Domain and Server

A  domain name is a string that identifies a realm of administrative autonomy. Through the domain, your customers can easily find you and come to your website. We at SmartHand are dedicated to providing you with the best and most secure domains at reasonable and affordable prices. We also provide a high-quality and secure server, which is important for the success of websites and systems that work online. SmartHand provides the best type of Linux servers that 
are tailored to the customer's needs, in which they can choose from a variety of servers based on their features and prices.


We meet you and your team to realize your unique needs and use that information to better inform our design tactics.

Web Development

This is the most important part of the process. We assemble all the previous steps to and build the custom web application to meet up your specific demands.


We believe UX is a feeling and try to make the user feel comfortable. We provide the best user interface that enables interaction between the users and the application.