What are the calls you receive from outside numbers?

March 14, 2024

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What are the calls you receive from outside numbers?

The missed calls you receive from numbers outside Iraq hang up very quickly after one or two rings and rarely end the call, and when you enter the code of the call, the code of several strange countries, such as African countries or the countries of the former Soviet Union, Pakistan, and sometimes it is the number of the United States or other countries. This problem is global and not only in Iraq. These relationships are fraudulent and developed in Japan in the early 2000s and then spread. In Japanese, it is called “Wangiri”, meaning “one bell and cut” or “one bell hand cut”.

How is this done?

Those who do this buy or rent an IPRN number from a specialized company and then automatically and randomly ring for an hour through a computer. One call makes thousands of people and hangs up quickly, and people get unanswered calls when you call them. Because it is automated, it is picked up very quickly and no one talks, and no matter how much you keep talking, no one answers, or sometimes it is transferred to the phone number of the place or someone else the longer you stay on the line, the more they put music on it. In short, they use dozens of techniques to do that. Stay on the line.

Sometimes they ask you to call that number by letter or email, WhatsApp or Viber, because the technique in previous years was to send a letter saying someone of your relatives is in the emergency department should call us, but with the advent of smartphones, they changed the technique.

Why is your money going?

After you call that number again, you will lose a lot of units. The longer you stay, the more you will lose because you pay for the call you make. It means your money is not stolen, but the call fee. They take away much more than taking normal calls.

What is an IPRN?

It stands for international premium rate number and is an international service used in business. When you receive a number from this service, anyone who calls that number will be charged a unit instead of a call.

This fee is known as the call fee and is very expensive compared to normal calls, between $1 and $7 per minute. There was a case of $20 (this price changes constantly).

Sometimes it takes seconds, depending on the IPRN.

Then, when these people do this, they receive the money as income and profit, or the service provider agrees with them to charge the company for one minute of call, depending on the type of agreement.

Every day, hundreds of people around the world are exposed to these kinds of traitors, and you cannot get your money back because your money went instead of the call just like any normal call. This service is basically normal and legal, but these people are misusing it.

What is the role of the SIM card company?

Because these calls are international and between several telephone companies, they are difficult to control because there are special rules for withdrawing units from users during calls, 

For example, the Federal Trade Commission in the United States for domestic calls can obtain the caller's consent to take the balance instead of the call, but when it becomes international, the agency loses legal authority and the money goes without question Bat.

However, telephone companies can send instructions to their subscribers, because this is banned in the world and dozens of people have been arrested so far and several telephone companies constantly warn their users of these numbers. For example, Vodafone has services in 26 countries and partnerships with other companies in 50 others.

Is this hacking?

You can't call this a hack, because they only offer you to call them back. When you call back, they charge you for your call, so they can't hack you or steal information,

Vodafone says it's not a hack, but sometimes the people and groups behind it believe that someone calling an unknown number can be tricked. Sometimes they pretend to be his bank employees and ask for a bank account. They take other money through it.

It is true that they are doing the trick, but we will make the final decision whether their trick will succeed or not!

How do you protect yourself?

1. Do not pick up any such phones, so when you open the phone, they know that someone owns that number and keep it with them so that they may call you later from a different number.

2. If you are sure that you are receiving a call from these places, first make sure it is the person you know through WhatsApp or Viber and then save the number with you. Or type the code into Google, and it will tell you what country it belongs to or type the full number because some of the numbers have been published that do that.

3. If you receive an unanswered call from these numbers, do not answer them.

4. Using TrueCaller will help you provide information to recognize these numbers. Android version (4.4) has the number recognition system and works very well to recognize the counterfeit number.

5. Block these numbers.

Some of the codes used to do this

+221, +222, +223, +224, +225,

+226, +227, +228, +257, +265,

+92, +7, +234, +216, +375, +91,

+20, +235, +381, +994, +676, +809,

284, +649, +876, +372, +92, +473,

242, +246, +264, +268, +284, +345, +441,

473, +649, +664, 758, +767, +784, +829,

849, +868, +878, +869








